We value the “Personhood” of people living with dementia:
· Personhood is not dependent on memories, and abilities; it is unaltered by dementia despite any symptoms and changes that appear.
· Personhood is centrally implicated in the quality of interpersonal relationships.
Living well with dementia
The value of personhood and person-centered care
Peak Brain Health’s Person-Centered Care approach to dementia care, supports:
“people” - their individual values, preferences and expressed needs
“personhood” - understanding the importance of social, interpersonal relationships as an integral component of care.
“living well” - maximizing physical, mental and social well being
human relationships are central to living well - maintaining relationships with family and friends
social inclusion and involvement
maintaining a level of independence with routine and everyday activities
“Living as well as you can with dementia is all about adapting. Adapting to new ways to enable us to live better for longer with dementia.”
Coordination of care services
Person-centered care plans
Support loved ones in understanding dementia
“I am still me”
strategies for person-centered care at home
strategies for positive visits
modifiable risk factors when familial genes are a concern